15th of Adar, 5785 ט״ו בַּאֲדָר תשפ״ה

Tuesday, September 27, 2005

Distribution of Sefer Hamitzvos Has Begun

חדשות חב"ד

Distribution of Sefer Hamitzvos Has Begun

Two months ago, R. Naftali Estulin began a campaign to encourage the study of Rambam's Sefer Hamitzvos, in honor of the 800th year since the Rambam's birth and in memory of his father, R. Zalmen Leib Estulin.  As part of the campaign he sponsored a printing of 24,000 Sefer Hamitzvos.

Distribution of the seforim has begun; a month ago, 12,000 books were sent to the US to be given out to Jewish centers, schools and camps.  All the seforim are being distributed free of charge.  Rabbi Naftali Estulin is responsible for distribution in the United States and R. Shmuel Friedland in Israel. 

On Sunday, thousands of Sefer Hamitzvos were given out in Israel in a special gathering held in Kfar Chabad for expellees from Gush Katif.  R. Estulin sponsored all the costs of the event and also paid for a ticket to New York for Tishrei to be raffled off at the event.

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