15th of Adar, 5785 ט״ו בַּאֲדָר תשפ״ה

Tuesday, September 27, 2005

Rutges Chabad Holds Open House

חדשות חב"ד

Rutges Chabad Holds Open House

Rutgers Chabad Holds Open House

To mark the beginning of the new school year, Rutgers University's
Chabad House Jewish Student Center held its Annual Open House last night
and welcomed in a larger-than-imagined crowd of over 500 first year
students, as well as upperclassmen and women. Over 275 new students
signed up to be a part of Chabad and receive weekly e-mails and
newsletters describing the myriad of events offered through Chabad House.

Additionally, there was a Jewish Collegiate Activities Fair, where many
students signed up to participate in specific events, such as visiting
patients in local hospitals, packing meals for the elderly, working with
special-needs children during holidays, and visiting senior citizens.
In fact, plans are underway to host an event on September 18th where
special needs children will be treated to high holiday stories and arts
and crafts projects.

Chabad's Campus Director, Rabbi Baruch Goodman stated, "Tonight, the
students of Rutgers are getting a taste of true Judaism - complete with
exciting Jewish activities, the opportunity to meet many new Jewish
friends and eat good kosher food! It is our hope that through our
efforts we will reach and attract Jewish students on campus, and provide
them with all they need, both academically and experientially, in order
to enable and empower them to grow and be the best Jews they want to be."

Chabad's new student president Shayna Alexander, RU '07, of Freehold,
New Jersey, added, "Jewish students from all across New Jersey, as well
as out-of-towners from Florida, California and even Albuquerque New
Mexico, not to mention international students from Israel, Russia,
Ukraine, and Brazil, are all here, meeting each other, and discovering
the joyous and awesome feeling that being in! volved with Judaism on
campus offers."

Chabad also offers challah baking for college women on Thursday nights,
and the
scrumptious Shabbos meals on Fridays bring out huge crowds. Students
were pleased to find there was a little something for everyone.  Scores
of new friendships were formed, and old acquaintances were rekindled.
Amazingly enough, Rabbi Goodman and some former students of his from
years past were reunited.

A live band performed for hours on the front lawn, drawing students into
the Chabad House. Inside, there was plenty of delicious food, including
schwarma, or lamb, spinning on an authentic schwarma machine.  Chabad
student treasurer, Dave Schneider, RU ’08 from East Hanover, New Jersey,
was overheard saying, "Not since I was in Israel have I had schwarma
this delicious." A special treat for the students was the Red Bull
energy drinks, which were provided by the sponsor, Red Bull.&nbs! p; Students
were able to enjoy either sugar or sugarless R! ed Bull from genuine Red
Bull stand-up dispensers. A professional magician worked his magic
around the room, going to individual tables for "Mingle Magic," that
culminated in a grand show in the front of Chabad's Multi-Purpose Room.
Students were amazed and mystified by the tricks, and spent the evening
discussing "how did he really do that?"

Rabbi Goodman and his wife Sarah, in addition to the Chabad Leadership
Team, were all on hand to meet and greet the new and returning students.
  Many new students commented that when they walked in, it just felt
like home. "I feel so comfortable here because of the warmth the people
have shown me" effused one young woman.

Senior Aaron Kutner, President of AEPi Fraternity ’04-‘05 from Vineland,
New Jersey, commented that it was the "best Open House in my three years
here at Rutgers. I love Chabad and all the people who come here and am
proud to call Rabbi Goodman one of my close! st friends. L’Chaim to
Moshiach Now!" Whether a new or returning student, one thing that was
agreed upon is that Open House at the Rutgers Chabad House is like no other.

For more information regarding events for Jewish college students,
College Avenue Housing, the Kosher Dining Hall or regarding the upcoming
Special Needs High Holiday Program, contact Rabbi Goodman at 732
296-1800 or email chabad@rci.rutgers.edu.

Chabad House is proud to serve as the largest Jewish Center on any
public university campus in the U.S.A. It also serves as headquarters
for all Chabad – Lubavitch activities serving over 100 communities in
Central & Southern New Jersey

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