15th of Adar, 5785 ט״ו בַּאֲדָר תשפ״ה

Tuesday, September 27, 2005

Elul: Shofar, Mezuzah and Chanukas Habayis

חדשות חב"ד

Elul: Shofar, Mezuzah and Chanukas Habayis

A group of Temimim who are spending the year in Kevutza in 770 went out this week for a housewarming at the home of a mekurav in New Jersey. The temimim used the opportunity to fulfill the Rebbe's directives for the month of Elul, mivtza mezuzah and blowing shofar.  The mekuravim agreed to reciprocate for a visit to the home of the Nasi Hador - Beis Moshiach 770.

More pictures in full article.

מבקרים ב - 770 לאחר הארוע

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